martes, 10 de mayo de 2016

Nacidos para Bailar

Los Vivancos presentan este espectáculo de baile, que es su más reciente y más grande hasta el momento, y desde el miércoles 11 de mayo se les podrá ver en el Teatre Tívoli de Barcelona hasta el domingo 5 de junio, si no hay cambios y/o prórrogas.. El show incluye una mezcla de estilos, géneros y disciplinas, que van desde el flamenco, hasta el metal, pasando por las artes marciales y con música sinfónica.. Cabe recordar que el grupo formado por estos 7 hermanos ha ganado diversos premios y reconocimiento internacional, y lo cierto es que no paran con sus giras que los llevan por todo el mundo.. Según afirman ellos mismos, todos esos viajes les sirven además de inspiración artística, conociendo las culturas distintas de los continentes donde actúan, y describen que lo que ellos hacen es mucho más que un trabajo, es una forma de vida.
Más info detallada en su web site oficial, que aquí comparto::
Y para concluir esta entrada de mi Blog, vamos a desearle a los Hermanos Vivancos todo lo mejor para sus directos, y que sigan cosechando éxitos allá por donde van, como ya hacen habitualmente ay si!!

From May 11th until June 5th, Los Vivancos present their biggest ever production: Born To Dance (‘Nacidos Para Bailar’). Performed at Teatre Tivolí, Born To Dance is a show that sees flamenco, metal, martial arts and live symphony music come together, with impressive costumes, garish lighting and an elaborate set to boot. Having won several performing awards, the latest production by this internationally-renowned group promises high production value and fun for all the family. Los Vivancos are an all-male performing troupe made up of seven Spanish brothers. They were taught by their father, who was a dancer and musician, and the brothers have worked together in a performing capacity since a

 very young age. They travelled frequently, which gave them much of their artistic inspiration. They describe what they do as “more than a job—it is a way of life.” - See more at:
From May 11th until June 5th, Los Vivancos present their biggest ever production: Born To Dance (‘Nacidos Para Bailar’). Performed at Teatre Tivolí, Born To Dance is a show that sees flamenco, metal, martial arts and live symphony music come together, with impressive costumes, garish lighting and an elaborate set to boot. Having won several performing awards, the latest production by this internationally-renowned group promises high production value and fun for all the family. Los Vivancos are an all-male performing troupe made up of seven Spanish brothers. They were taught by their father, who was a dancer and musician, and the brothers have worked together in a performing capacity since a very young age. They travelled frequently, which gave them much of their artistic inspiration. They describe what they do as “more than a job—it is a way of life.” - See more at:

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